

I swear quite a bit and I dont tag itI occasionally type in all caps and but i try to tag itI will sometimes livetweet but tag major spoilers i.e. // Character spoilersPlease DM if I say/do anything wrong or offensiveI occasionally vent without tagging (usually because im unsure whether its vent at the time)i spam occasionallyi use tone indicators, please use them for me


Basic DNI criteria (Racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)If you are in fltwt (face leak twt), clemtwt (believe cc!tommy is a trans lesbian) or poppytwt (sexualising minors)If you break cc's boundariesIf you send/have sent death threatsAre against neopronounsAre against tone indicatorsDNI if you are named Kyra/Ciara/Keira or any other variation please

About me

My name is Atlas, Prom or Mar! You can call me any^^I am sixteen years old.My birthday is January ninth.White. Scottish.Greyromantic Uranic aligned Abromantic Aceflux.Genderqueer nonbinary.End/Ends pronouns.

Subtwts i'm in

i main benchtwt, sbi, beeduotwt, crimeboystwt, honktwt

Comfort Streamers

Ranboo, Nihachu, Foolish, Philza, Tubbo, Wilbur, Tommy, Karl, Awesamdude, Eret, Sneeganag, Foolish, Technoblade